I have a dell desktop(or my parents actually) . . It used to be so really fast basically because all it is used for is for the internet. I think they may have SOME pictures on it, but not very many so I don't think that is the caes. I went to defragment it and it said that didn't need to be done. I clicked the free extra disk space and it cleared a bunch of temp files and other files but that didn't seem to help. I am wondering if it is running a bunch of programs at start-up or something so I was going to check that out.
Any other suggestions what happened to thier computer. They are on my case to fix it and I don't really know that much about computers. They got a computer cam from my sister to see the new baby and the computer is so slow that it is breaking up and not really working properly. Thanks in advance.
Any other suggestions what happened to thier computer. They are on my case to fix it and I don't really know that much about computers. They got a computer cam from my sister to see the new baby and the computer is so slow that it is breaking up and not really working properly. Thanks in advance.